Sunday, March 4, 2012

Finding What Works

Day 35-

So today was my second to last day of home PT and I can’t believe how far I’ve come in just a month.  It still surprises me that I’ve come this far but I know that there is a lot more to do before I can call this whole ordeal over.  I’ve been finding that better than pain meds after PT is some ice and a nice, long nap.  I mean like a 2 – 3 hour nap!!  It seems that after I take one of these PT naps I feel so much better.  I’ve also made the decision that since I’m up and moving that perhaps it’s time to start watching what I eat so that I don’t gain back all the weight I lost after surgery and then to also take some more off to help my knee and the longevity of the replacement.  I have no certain number of pounds I want to lose or anything like that but I think I’ve got to make the effort to lose some weight for the sake of everything I’m going through.  I mean, I don’t want to get this done again in 30 years… I don’t think I’d have the strength to go through this again… it’s very tolling on the mind, body and spirit.  I’d also like to start my daily mediating to try and calm myself and to deal with the soreness without any meds at all.  Although, I’ll have to admit that I don’t really use them anymore all that often.  Maybe at night and sometimes during the day but not that often since I seem to be able to deal with this pain.  At least that old pain is gone and I think that’s half the reason I’m able to deal as well as I’ve been.

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