Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Waiting on Workin' Out

Day 93-

Went for two walks today!  One was a short on to get myself some lunch and the other was my walk around the block with my neighbor.  During the first walk I had to cross the street and it had to move it somewhat quickly and my knee was ok though the last couple steps made me limp but it was nothing to horrible.  During the second walk I stepped off the sidewalk into a divot and twisted my knee slightly.  It hurt like hell but then I stretched it and was able to walk it off.  I checked it when I got home and it wasn’t really even swollen or anything.  In fact, by the time I finished my coffee and some writing I felt just fine.  So it’s good that things like that can happen now and it’s now the end of my world.  I’ve also been thinking about what I can do as well to get back into shape.  I considered walking around with my ankle weights to get my thigh strength back up but I’d much rather use them on my wrists to tone my arms.  I have a couple video’s on for working out but everything seems to be too advanced for the leg.  It’s like I need something between those sitting workouts they give seniors and like sweatin’ to the oldies for the really overweight people.  The good thing though that seems to be coming from all of this is a very deep and intense desire to drop weight and work out.  It’s hard to do either when you can’t get a workout in but I have a feeling that this feeling won’t be going away very quickly, so until then I think I’ll just keep doing the small things I can!

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