Monday, May 28, 2012

A Setback

Day 104-

Had PT today and I was doing quite well with the weights and working out when, POP! Wait for it… WOWA… PAIN, PAIN, PAIN!!  Eck… I could barely move!!  So right away, got me off the machine I was using at PT and back on one of the beds to feel around and see what happened.  After some feeling around, pokes and prods my Therapist determined that I simply popped some scar tissue.  Something I can look forward to still happening since there are still a couple of potential tight spots based on how the scar seems to be pulling and puckering.  So, since that happened my therapist decided to simply ice the knee and send me home since I made it through 99% of my workout anyways.  So home I am with ice packs on the top and bottom and I have to admit… I’m in tears here.  I haven't’ had a pain come through the knee like this since before surgery and I was hoping to never feel pain like this again but here it is.  It’s very hard to deal with and despite taking pain meds it's just not working to kill the pain… or even take the edge off.  In fact, it’s so bad and I’m gimping so badly that my fiancee even stayed home from work to care for me since he can’t believe how awful I feel today as well.  Here’s hoping that tomorrow is better.

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