Saturday, May 26, 2012

Grocer Go-Kart

day 103-

Went grocery shopping today and I didn’t use on of those go-cart things in the store.  Granted, I went to a smaller grocery store but it was nice to not use it.  You know what I hate about those things the most… people who don’t really need them use them and then they half work.  I can’t even count the times where I’ve used one and then, in the middle of the store the damned thing died and I still had to walk but now I was in the middle of the store and had merchandise so it made it even worse.  So back to grocery shopping so I didn’t use the cart but I was a little slow and by the time I was finished I was a bit sore.  But again… at least I didn’t need to use the cart thingy and I was able to just lean on the regular shopping cart and I did pretty good.   And being able to go grocery shopping is one step towards trying to lose weight and get in better shape for the sake of the knee.  I have to be able to cook to eat better and by being able to go to the store it also makes me want to cook as well.  I’m hoping that me cooking and learning to cook is a positive that I can take away from this whole crazy year!

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