Thursday, January 12, 2012

Post Op

Day 2-

Yesterday was the surgery and I ended up only needing a partial replacement but the surgery still took almost 2 hours. I didn’t get any other forms of pain control other than the button. I was in bed all day and ate fairly well that day. I had lunch and dinner and was surprisingly up after surgery. The pain wasn’t nearly as bad as I had thought it was going to be. But stiff and sore, o yes! My pain bounced around from a 5-7 and the nurses would get on my case for letting the pain get so high, as in up to a 7. I told them thought that I would get it down to a 5 but then I’d fall asleep and wouldn’t press the button and then it would spike. SO that was pretty much my day. Pain would go down, I’d fall asleep, then pain would spike and I’d wake up and so the pattern repeated. I didn’t get out of bed today due to the pain and trauma of the surgery but it sounds like tomorrow I will be starting PT tomorrow. My family kept me company all day and I was happy to find a “Wife Swap” marathon on Lifetime to keep my spirits up but I’m still in a hospital and I’m the youngster person in the orthopedic wing. Awesome. Really, at 9pm I’m the only one still up and the nurses chuckle about it. Thankfully, the staff at this hospital is great and make being here not horrible.

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