Monday, March 12, 2012

New Knee Lesson No. 4

Day 41-

Strange to not have PT today.  Have still been doing my exercises though to keep limber for when I start my outpatient PT soon.  I finally moved some of the things that I’ve been keeping in my bedroom back to their right spots in the house such as my laptop and my toothbrush.  Now that I’m more able to move around I want to.  So it seems that the more I move the more I want to move.  It’s like that one whole Physics thing where an “object in motion, stays in motion”.  So it’s very true.  So, for all of you out there about to or are going through a knee replacement remember this!!  Because it’s true.  If I sit for too long I notice that the knee gets stiff and then I start to limp when I walk but if I get up often and walk around the knee stays loose and comfortable.  So, new knee lesson No. 4 is “Keep it Moving!!”

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