Friday, June 15, 2012

Rehab Center VS. Home

Day 114-

After having my appointment yesterday and doing some errand running after I was pretty sore today and figured that I better just take it easy.  Not my favorite thing to do, to just lie around and watching TV but I do know that it’s part of the process. Part of the process.. there is a phrase I’m getting over hearing.  Everyone keeps saying that to me as if I don’t know that this is going to take time, as if I don’t know that it was a major surgery.  Grr, things I know people.  Anyways, I was thinking back to after my surgery when I had to option to come home or go to a rehab center.  With coming home I was more comfortable and it’s always good to be home especially since on of my pets died soon after I came home.  So if I had gone to a rehab place chances are I wouldn’t have been here for my little guy and I think that would have been terribly sad for me.  On the other hand, if I had gone to the Rehab place it might have been easier on my family and fiancee since no one would have to be here so much.  Also, it might have been easier for me to sleep those few days since i was having such an awful time sleeping.  Also, I wonder if I would have been further along with PT and healing since I would have had PT twice a day for most of the week.  It’s something I do wonder about if I made the right choice to come home.  I remember how awful being home was on all of us and how hard it was on me but I wonder if not being home would have been even worse as I would have been depressed to not know when I could go home.  If they had said, well just for a week I think I would have gone but they didn’t want to tell me if it’d be a week or a month!  Something to ponder I guess, not that I can do much about it now.

1 comment:

  1. Part of the process---along with "This too shall pass" and "Mind over matter!" make me want to hit them. I can't offer much... even I manage some "meaningless niceties"... but I'm here... vent away.
